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Factors that should be taken
into account when it comes to the borders of Israel
* Pursuing the borders and
sizes of the Promised Land in promises and declarations to different individuals
and groups recorded in the Bible.
Borders and Tribal areas indicated
to Ezekiel.
** The boundaries of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel.
** The mountains and High
places in Israel are extremely important spiritually and strategically.
Importance of the Golan Strategically and as Part of Israel's
** Settling on the
mountains of Israel is especially important and the God of Israel mentioned
it specifically in scriptures about the Jews' return to the land in our day:
: "And I will make them one nation
in the Land upon the mountains of Israel..." Ezekiel 37:22 (Presently Arabs
are living on many mountains of Judea/Samaria, and that is why it is so important
for Israel to maintain the settlements).
** The importance and sanctity of the Land the God of Israel
has promised to the Jews to himself.
2 Chronicles 6:38
...and if they turn
back to you with all their heart and soul in the land of their captivity
where they were taken, and pray toward the land you gave their fathers,
toward the city (Jerusalem) you have chosen and toward the
temple I have built for your Name;
The Middle East from God's perspective versus the humanistic
Israel's neighbors "invented" by Britain
while they held the mandate in the Middle East: See:
** False claims of the God of Islam
to the land promised to the Jews.
** The God of Israel
and Allah of Islam are different Gods. Islam is a foreign religion and should
be banned from Israel and its mosques, minarets and other structures
Psalm 81:9 You shall have no foreign god among you...!!
** We recognize the
sovereign right of the God of Israel to decide about the boundaries of nations
and who lives where
(Isaiah 10:13
...I removed the boundaries of nations, I plundered their treasures; like
a mighty one I subdued their kings. & Psalms 66:7 He rules forever by
his power, his eyes watch the nations--let not the rebellious rise up against
** The conflict over
territory mandated for a homeland for the Jews and the Temple Mt. is ultimately
between the God of Israel and Satan - using Islam and its followers as
When God of Israel
says, "For Zion's Sake I Will
not Rest!" (Isaiah
62:1) He
could refer to any or all of the following, his Temple Mt., his city, Jerusalem,
his Land of Israel as such and his Jews. See
"Zion Is".
That all His promises
to the Jews about the Promised Land still apply - as well as Mosaic Laws
that forbid the Jew's to negotiate with nations or people they find
in their land (viz. from Arabs neighbors) -- NOT to make peace treaties
or divide the land. See
** Israelis are commandment
to settle on all the Land promised to them: Numbers 33:53
"Take possession of
the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess."
land of Israel becomes
a wasteland when the Jews are not living in it. See
What is the Basis for the Legal Status
of Israel and the Settlements? By
Eliav Shochetman, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
The British Colonial
Office, headed by Winston Churchill, had no right to exclude Trans-Jordan,
some 78% of "Palestine," from the provisions of the Mandate pertaining to
the "Jewish National Home" in 1922.
( Moshe and Barbara Kohn).
** The UN Partition
Plan of 1947 was just a suggestion and was non-binding. Since the Arabs didn't
want to initial the treaty, the Jews Should not recognize a 1937 (Peele
Commission), 1947 0r 1967 demarcation line.
Hagar was sent
away so as to prevent Ishmael from inheriting what was meant for the
Hebrew nation. The Arab's continued occupation and claims of land in the
territory mandated for a homeland for the Jews and their drive for a separate
state, is an Ishmaelite attempt to become co-heirs with the Jews, overturning
the God of Israel's ruling of Isaac being the sole heir. In fact, the Arab's
god (of Islam) wants all the land. See
** Nobody had the right
to give Arabs land in Israel - without it being subject to Mosaic Laws
stipulating its reverting back to Jewish ownership at set times.
Most Arab refugees
from Israel left because their Arab brothers advised them to do so. See
The Arab's nationalistic
anti-Semitic agenda forces them not to accept Jews and their right to the
land based on their historic ties to it.
The physical restoration
of Israel will precede her spiritual restoration. See:
"And All Israel will be Saved".